Liverpool Landing Stage

In the early 1900’s, Liverpool served as one of Britain’s largest shipping ports. As one of the only ports able to serve the largest vessels in service at the time, Liverpool saw some of history’s greatest ships pass through on a regular basis, including the now-infamous Empress of Ireland.

The Liverpool Landing Stage is well-known for its iconic “Three Graces” - the Royal Liver Building, the Port of Liverpool Building, and the Cunard Building, and we are proud to represent these historic buildings in the game. While the Cunard Building was still under construction during Empress of Ireland’s time, GRAND VOYAGE is proud to represent this historic port as it appeared during this specific moment in time. Like a snapshot of history, we have gone to great lengths to bring you a carefully and meticulously recreated version of this beautiful waterfront.

While exploring Empress of Ireland and her story in GRAND VOYAGE, you will get the opportunity to stroll the cobblestone roads of the Liverpool Landing Stage, recreated as it looked during Empress’s glory days, complete with advertisements, posters, luggage, passenger ferries, and all the trappings of an Edwardian-era port.